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5 X 5 One Of The Best Workouts For Strength & Muscle

5 x 5 is one of the best workout programmes you can do, whether your a beginner or a more experienced lifter. Below I will explain how to perform the workout programme so you can get started TOMORROW!

Its basic principles are the following:

  • Lift only compound movements.

  • Bench Press, Military Press, Barbell Rows, Squats & Deadlifts.

  • Perform 3 compound exercises per workout.

  • Perform only 5 sets per exercise, Except Deadlifts, Perform 1 set.

  • Perform only 5 reps per set.

  • Rest 2 Minutes between sets.

  • Only workout 3 days a week with a rest day between.

An Example of a 2 weeks workout programme

Lets say you was to workout Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Here Is what it would look like:

Week 1.

Monday - Squats, Bench Press & Barbell Rows

Tuesday - Rest Day

Wednesday - Squats, Military Press & Deadlifts

Thursday - Rest Day

Friday - Squats, Bench Press & Barbell Rows

Saturday - Rest Day

Sunday - Rest Day

Now week 2, Will Change to this.

Week 2.

Monday - Squat, Military Press & Deadlift

Tuesday - Rest Day

Wednesday - Squat, Bench Press & Barbell Rows.

Thursday - Rest Day

Friday - Squat, Military Press & Deadlift

Saturday - Rest Day

Sunday - Rest Day

Week 3, Go back and Repeat Week 1, Then Week 4, Repeat Week 2 and So on.

The purpose of only performing 5 sets of 5 reps with a 2 minutes rest between sets, Is so you can lift much heavier weight than if you was to perform sets of 10 - 12 reps, so therefore this will mean you will get much stronger faster following this programme, which makes it a great strength programme but also a great muscle building programme.

Strength = Muscles = Gainzzzzz.

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