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Why Boxing Packs Such a Huge Cardio Punch

Anyone who has done boxing in their lifetime will agree that they experienced great cardio benefits from the sport, Strength gains & A couple bloody noses.

What makes boxing one of the best as far as cardio is concerned is because its a sport built on movement in every sense of the word, moving around the ring constantly, moving your body constantly, Throwing punches & avoiding a right hander.

Most boxing clubs build there training programmes around a 4 minute window, meaning that they work extremely hard for 3 minutes and then get a 1 minute break, Below i will list a few benefits to this type of training.

  • Hiit workout, Fantastic for fat burning.

  • Endurance

  • Speed

  • Strength Increase.

The type of exercises that makes boxing stand out.


Skipping is without a doubt one of the best cardio workouts you could ever possibly do. The movement pumps your heartbeat insanely and makes your body work much harder than most cardio workouts.

If you think I am lying, try skipping 3 minutes on and 1 minute off for 25 - 30 minutes then come back and talk to me!

Punch Bag:

The punch bag is another great workout as it really enforces you to punch and move and I mean hard and fast punching and moving consistently so you feel that bastard burn going through your arms and no breaks until your time is up!! Don't be one of the bitches you see in alot of gyms, Where they just stand still and throw a few punches because they are lazy fuckers.

Circuit Training:

Circuit training is another great tool to use. Usually having a list of 10 bodyweight exercises to perform for a desired time and completing the whole circuit before having a break. For example, a minutes worth of press ups, then straight into a minutes worth of burpees, then on to a minutes worth of leg raises and so on.

Then when all 10 exercises are completed, You can have a couple minutes rest and then start again from the beginning. This really gets your blood pumping and if done properly is a awesome fat burner, Strength gainer and toner.

Below is a couple of pieces of equipment I would recommend for this training.


You either love it or hate it. I loved it!! This is where you can really test your body, because unlike the rest i have spoke about. This is where everything comes together. You have to move your whole body consistently around the ring, whilst picking punches, using your head, avoid getting punched, Receiving a few wacks.

This is what will test your strength and endurance and sparring will show you where your weaknesses are when it comes to your own fitness levels and will without a doubt Improve them.

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